You have a way with words, Scheherazade.

You have a way with words, Scheherazade.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Insomnia Peace Treaty

I have decided to take advantage of the surplus in "time" my body's Hypnophobia affords.  Instead of sitting in bed idly or wikipedia-page-jumping I will now be organizing this time in a structured manner around a list of tasks that fall into the category of things "I want to do/I want to learn/I want to know." 

 Each task will be divided into manageable steps, with each step conspicuously contributing to the goal of completing the task.

  I will document the progress of each task and will attempt to create time lines, although one cannot plan bouts of insomnia :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, well it sure sounds like one hell of strategy to combat insomnia. Hopefully the average time duration in which you spend awake at night will decrease on acount of your contsrutive more psycholicaly stimulating use of time, also resulting in a more rewarding lifestyle given that you carry out all of your listed aspirations. Personaly I prefer a scotch and Ambien!! haha, Wissensdurst you're my hero!!! -Bastard T